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SG-636PCE 20.0000MC0

SG-636PCE 20.0000MC0

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    振荡器 20 MHz CMOS XO(标准) 3.3V 启用/禁用 4-SOJ,5.08mm 间距

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SG-636PCE 20.0000MC0 数据手册
Crystal oscillator Product Number (please contact us) SG-636 : Q33636xx2xxxx00 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR (SPXO) OUTPUT : CMOS, TTL SG - 636 series Frequency range Supply voltage Function External dimensions : : : : 2.21675 MHz to 41 MHz 2.5 V Typ. / 3.3 V Typ. / 5.0 V Typ. Output enable(OE) or Standby( ST ) 10.5 × 5.8 × 2.7 mm (t: Max.) Actual size SG-636 series Specifications (characteristics) Item Symbol Output frequency range f0 Supply voltage Storage temperature Operating temperature Frequency tolerance Current consumption Disable current Stand-by current VCC T_stg T_use f_tol ICC I_dis I_std Symmetry SYM SG-636 PTF 2.21675 MHz to 41.000 MHz 5.0 V 0.5 V 17 mA Max. 10 mA Max. 40 % to 60 % 45 % to 55 % Specifications SG-636 PCE SG-636 PDE SG-636 SCE 2.21675 MHz 2.21675 MHz to 40.000 MHz to 40.000 MHz 3.3 V 0.3 V 2.5 V 0.25 V -55 C to +100 C -20 C to +70 C C: 100 × 10-6 9 mA Max. 5 mA Max. 5 mA Max. 3 mA Max. 2 A Max. 45 % to 55 % - VOH VCC-0.4 V Min. VOL 0.4 V Max. Conditions / Remarks Please contact us about available frequencies. Storage as single product. -20 C to +70 C No load condition OE=GND ST =GND(SCE) CMOS load:50 % VCC level TTL load: 1.4 V level IOH=-8 mA(PTF) / -4 mA(SCE,PCE) / -3.2 mA(PDE) IOL=16 mA(PTF) / 4 mA(SCE,PCE) / 3.2 mA(PDE) Output voltage Output load condition (TTL) Output load condition (CMOS) L_TTL 10 TTL Max. L_CMOS 50 pF Max. Input voltage VIH VIL Rise time / Fall time tr / tf 2.0 V Min. 0.8 V Max. 7 ns Max. 5 ns Max. 4 ms Max. Start-up time Frequency aging t_str f_aging Product Name (Standard form) 30 pF Max. 15 pF Max. 80 % VCC Min. 20 % VCC Max. 5 ns Max. 4 ms Max. 5  10-6 / year Max. OE Terminal or ST Terminal (SCE) CMOS load:20 % VCC to 80 % VCC level TTL load:0.4 V to 2.4 V level Time at minimum supply voltage to be 0 s +25 C, VCC=5.0 V/3.3 V/2.5 V, First year SG-636 P T F 18.432000MHz C ① ②③ ④ ⑤ ①Model ②Function (P: Output enable, S:Standby) ③Supply voltage(T : 5.0V Typ. ④Frequency ⑤Frequency tolerance( C : ±100 × 10-6 / -20 °C ~ +70 °C) External dimensions (Unit:mm) C : 3.3V Typ. D : 2.5V Typ.) Footprint (Recommended) (Unit:mm) 10.5 Max. PTF9352A Connection OE or ST GND OUT VCC #2 2.7 Max. #1 5.08 (1.0) 0.05Min. 2.1 Pin map Pin 1 2 3 4 4.6 E 18.4320C 0.51 1.3 #3 5.8 Max. #4 5.0 . L_CMOS  15 pF - (1.0) 3.6 The metal case inside of the molding compound may be exposed on the top or bottom of this product. This purely cosmetic and does not have any effect on quality, reliability or electrical specs. Note. OE pin (PTF,PCE,PDE) OE pin = "H" or "open" : Specified frequency output. OE pin = "L" : Output is high impedance. ST pin (SCE) ST pin = "H" or "open" : Specified frequency output. ST pin = "L" : Output is low level ,oscillation stops. 5.08 To maintain stable operation, provide a 0.01uF to 0.1uF by-pass capacitor at a location as near as possible to the power source terminal of the crystal product (between Vcc - GND). PROMOTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONFORMING TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS At Seiko Epson, all environmental initiatives operate under the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle designed to achieve continuous improvements. The environmental management system (EMS) operates under the ISO 14001 environmental management standard. All of our major manufacturing and non-manufacturing sites, in Japan and overseas, completed the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification. ISO 14000 is an international standard for environmental management that was established by the International Standards Organization in 1996 against the background of growing concern regarding global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and global deforestation. WORKING FOR HIGH QUALITY In order provide high quality and reliable products and services than meet customer needs, Seiko Epson made early efforts towards obtaining ISO9000 series certification and has acquired ISO9001 for all business establishments in Japan and abroad. We have also acquired ISO/TS 16949 certification that is requested strongly by major automotive manufacturers as standard. ISO/TS16949 is the international standard that added the sector-specific supplemental requirements for automotive industry based on ISO9001. ►Explanation of the mark that are using it for the catalog ►Pb free. ►Complies with EU RoHS directive. *About the products without the Pb-free mark. Contains Pb in products exempted by EU RoHS directive. (Contains Pb in sealing glass, high melting temperature type solder or other.) ►Designed for automotive applications such as Car Multimedia, Body Electronics, Remote Keyless Entry etc. ►Designed for automotive applications related to driving safety (Engine Control Unit, Air Bag, ESC etc ). Notice • • • • • • This material is subject to change without notice. Any part of this material may not be reproduced or duplicated in any form or any means without the written permission of Seiko Epson. The information about applied data, circuitry, software, usage, etc. written in this material is intended for reference only. Seiko Epson does not assume any liability for the occurrence of customer damage or infringing on any patent or copyright of a third party. This material does not authorize the licensing for any patent or intellectual copyrights. When exporting the products or technology described in this material, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. You are requested not to use the products (and any technical information furnished, if any) for the development and/or manufacture of weapon of mass destruction or for other military purposes. You are also requested that you would not make the products available to any third party who may use the products for such prohibited purposes. These products are intended for general use in electronic equipment. When using them in specific applications that require extremely high reliability, such as the applications stated below, you must obtain permission from Seiko Epson in advance. / Space equipment (artificial satellites, rockets, etc.) / Transportation vehicles and related (automobiles, aircraft, trains, vessels, etc.) / Medical instruments to sustain life / Submarine transmitters / Power stations and related / Fire work equipment and security equipment / traffic control equipment / and others requiring equivalent reliability. • All brands or product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective. Seiko Epson Corporation
SG-636PCE 20.0000MC0 价格&库存

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